The adventures and shenanigans of three friends who are having randomly awesome times in Thailand and are hoping to be sober enough to remember them.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
A Veritable Cornucopia of Delights
Vang Vieng, Laos
So you get two posts in one day, gosh you people must be feeling special. After the huge night last night the other three are feeling like ass (turns out Alli is so sick that they're gonna be staying another night cos she just couldn't physically make the 4 hours by bus back to Vientiene), so I'm left to my own devices once again.
And we all know what happens when I'm left alone.
First, we have photos.
That's me on the left, and Drew on the right. We're pulling a Japanese tourist peace symbol thing...and that other thing in my hand is what we like to call "breakfast", or as some others may refer to it as, "beer lao".
And that would be me, floating down the river, Vang Vieng style. You can see from the image that there is first, the yellow waterproof bag. Second, the essential beer lao. Third, my gay umbrella that I'm actually going to bring home so ya'll can see how awesomely gay it really is. And finally, we have on my reflective perving glasses so I can stare at all the pretty ladies without them knowing that I'm staring. And that look on my face? Pure bliss.
And then you get an even BETTER photo of the manly specimen that is myself, and my gay umbrella, my essential beer lao, my yellow bag, my reflective perving sunglasses, but as a bonus you ALSO get to see my BEARD. I know. I know. Did you ever think you could get so lucky? I bet you didn't.
And now, we have video.
That would be the giant trapeze swing I was telling you about in action. The dude let go too early though; imagine swinging up higher at the end, and THEN letting go. Oh yes. It's quite a great height.
Anyway, that's it from me. I'm gonna go chill out and watch a movie or something. Bastards leaving me alone like this...who do they think I am, someone who can entertain himself? I think not my fine feathered friends!
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