Lao'd back

Just a quicky from Laos, nice little country and so quiet compared to the other SE Asian capitals. No horns, traffic noise at a minimum, sunshine and no smog...been here one day and already I'm loving it.
Alli and Jess only have a week in Laos due to visa restrictions, so we're hot footing it up to Viang Vieng (one of these days I'll be able to spell it) on a local bus. That's the "party town" of Laos apparently, and where we finally get to sit in a giant rubber inner tube and float down the river beer in hand. We've been looking forward to this the entire trip, and I am going to be so sunburnt it's ridiculous. But I'll try my best to minimise the damage. Does anyone know how much it costs to get a small child to cover me with an umbrella for three hours? No? Bugger. Just thought I'd check.
We caught an old twin-propped plane down to Vientiene, and my first words when I saw it were "Well, this could be interesting." That's pretty much become a standard catchphrase for me over here, which is self explanatory really. The plane itself was fine, no dramas whatsoever, no pieces falling off. Although I would have liked some more peanuts.
Anyway, we're off to stock up on nibblies for the bus. Talk to ya'll from the party capital of the universe! ...and by universe I mean Laos. Laos, by the way, is pronounced "LAO", the s is silent. Just so you don't go making a tool of yourself when you try to say where your favouritest people in the whole wide world are.
Oh, and the photo? It's the only one I have of Laos so far...PIMP HONE market indeed! Here you can buy things that HONE your PIMPIN' skillz!
Get it? I crack me up sometimes, I really do.
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